
    DEVELOR d.o.o.
    10000 Zagreb
    Palinovečka 19G
    MBS: 080682785

    Pregledajte sve kontakte
    Kontaktirajte nas    
    • Stav i način razmišljanja (mindset)
    • Vodstvo i Menadžment
    • Briga o kupcima (customer care), Prodaja i Pregovaranje
    • Osobna produktivnost & Komunikacija
    • Izgradnja tima & Suradnja
    • Procjena & Dijagnostika
    • HR savjetovanje & Coaching
    • Sve usluge
    Trening zasnovan na igrama (game-based)

    VUCA Mindset – Oblak dima nad Evropom

    Trening zasnovan na igrama (game-based)

    Adaptivni Leadership – Misija na Mars

    Trening u učionici

    Growth mindset

    Trening zasnovan na igrama (game-based)

    Onboarding games

    Trening u učionici

    Work-Life balans

    Trening u učionici

    Tehnike intervjua

    Pronađeno u Usluge i rješenja

    • Unesite najmanje 3 znaka u unos pretraživanja kako biste pronašli rješenja.
    Pregledajte Sve Usluge

    Pronađeno u Resursima

    • Unesite najmanje 3 znaka u ulaz za pretraživanje da biste pronašli resurse.
    Istražite sve Resurse

    Za koga je to?

    • Depending on the topic, any employee of the company

    Koliko ljudi?

    Various groups within whole organizations

    Koliko će to trajati?

    1-6 months depending on the complexity and novelty of the topic and the form of training

    Mješovito Učenje
    • Savjetovanje

    DEVELOR has 28 years of experience in high-quality training delivery and content design. Our wide knowledge-base contains over 1,500 well-documented training modules that can be used and adapted to our clients needs. Our dedicated know-how development team is ready to develop new content for you both for classroom or online learning programs with special attention to the learning impact and experience.

    Although we try to take as much burden as possible off our customers’ shoulders, developing a new, customized curriculum cannot work without a close cooperation. That is why we place special emphasis on co-creation and the involvement of our clients into the development and pilot process.

    Training know-how design

    Assigning an external expert to develop training know-how can have a number of advantages. Not only the lack of expertise in a given topic can be completed, but also the learning methodology, experience and best practices of a professional training company can be utilized. In this way, high-quality materials can be produced faster and more cost-effectively than by internal development.

    • 28 years of experience in training delivery and know-how design
    • wide existing knowledge base of over 1500 modules in 80 topics
    • dedicated know-how development team
    • specific industry knowlegde
    • proven training methodology and best practices
    • targeted train the trainer program to teach the developed know-how to internal trainers or HR experts

    Tražite li pomoć s temom Training know-how design ?

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